That Scuba Gear you happily explore the oceans in is your life support equipment underwater, and as such you really should keep it in tip-top condition.
Regular service of your gear is a must and our Factory Certified technicians are the people to ensure your gear is maintained professionally.
All sorts of things find their way into your gear – sand, seaweed, bits of coral and even the most careful washing after every dive does not always ensure all the foreign material is cleared out.

Learn To Love Your Gear
If you want to know more about how your gear works – we run a great PADI Equipment Specialist Course for just $245. It runs over either two evening sessions or one day, check the schedule when you book.

Of course, you know the valves in your dive gear have moving parts in them. That means they wear and seals can age and just a small leak can lead to trouble when you least expect it.
We have one of the best equipped on-site Service Centres in Sydney and you get to inspect all the replaced parts so you better understand how your gear works and see first-hand the effects of wear and tear.
So don’t delay, get your gear serviced and make sure you are ready for that next awesome dive!